
Most people with substance misuse problems, mental health and eating issues are in denial about their situation and are unwilling to seek treatment. They may not be aware of how their behaviour has had a negative effect on themselves and others. This can be very difficult for a loved one and can lead to additional conflict within families.

A Clinical Interventionist can help a family discuss the reality of the situation with the person, in a measured and respectful way. A skilled Interventionist will be able to quickly establish a relationship with the person affected. This will be based on the principles of respect and a non-judgemental approach. This starting point will open up a more balanced discussion and will lead to the person feeling more motivated to seek help.

Revoco Healthcare founders Jennifer and Nick are uniquely positioned to offer Intervention services to your family or company. We have been trained in three different models: Love First, Sober Intervention and The Arise Model.

There are various types of intervention that Revoco Healthcare provide:

1. Intervention

This intervention is a meeting with the family and individual at their home. The focus on this meeting is to listen, encourage and to motivate the person to get help.

2a. Family Interventions

One of the family intervention models we provide is from, “Love First” by Debra and Jeff Jay. They are the authors of, “Love First, A Family’s Guide to Interventions.” Each family is different and each intervention will be unique. An in depth understanding of your families needs will be established prior to any intervention. We will speak to all concerned family members individually. We understand that it will have taken courage to acknowledge that your loved one needs help. It is our hope that we can provide the specialist care and knowledge that your family may desperately need.

A typical format for this intervention will be:

Family Meeting

We will meet with the family to understand how they have been affected and what the current situation is. It may be difficult at first but be assured that we fully understand how devastating addiction can be. The family will receive information on addiction and are asked and guided to write a letter to the individual, which they will read in the intervention. The family will also be given guidance and sources of support for themselves.


This is when the family read the letters and ask the person to go in to treatment.
We will then escort the person to the planned treatment facility.

Continued support to the family

We will offer ongoing support to the family for as long as needed. Addiction can be an isolating problem and family members have often been managing a very difficult situation, for a long period of time, before they seek help. We are here to ensure that this becomes easier for everyone, not just the person with an addiction.

2b. ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Intervention Model

ARISE® Comprehensive Care with Intervention introduces the addicted person and the family to a new life of recovery and healing. The individual does not need to hit bottom before getting help.

ARISE® gets over 83% of addicted individuals into treatment in three weeks. 96% enter treatment in six months. 61% sober by the end of the first year, with 10% more using less.

Intervention with Continuing Care

The Continuum of Care model is a gradually escalating process of  respectful, gentle family meetings, that leads your loved one into appropriate treatment and recovery. This approach is a compassionate Invitational Intervention. Unlike models one and two your Person of concern is invited to join the process right from the beginning with no surprises, just respect and love. 

The Intervention and comprehensive care process breaks the cycle of repeated disappointment, failure and fear, without the blame, shame, and guilt. It brings healing to the family, friends and co-workers who come together to build a solid recovery network. The focus is on both the person and the family's healing and recovery. 

This Intervention model is directed towards getting your loved one into treatment with the least possible effort through a loving, compassionate and non-blaming meeting. The support system is organised  to form a committed Intervention Network to motivate the person into treatment.   Comprehensive Care begins when the addicted individual enters treatment. A continuum of services promotes recovery and enables the person to fully integrate into society as a healthy, substance-free individual. 

The continuum and support services that will enable the individual to maintain long-term recovery while managing life in the community. 

2c. Corporate Intervention

Are you the Head of a corporate company or group and perhaps worried  about a member of your staff or a business partner? Do you have a work colleague, employee or a business partner that drinks too much or misuses drugs regularly? Is their alcohol and drug consumption affecting their work or their home life? If so, we can help.

Substance misuse and mental health issues is common in today's stressful and demanding society. We work longer hours, have heavier workloads and have to make some tough decisions in the corporate workplace on a daily basis. These increased levels of stress often result in a person seeking some form of relief and escape. 

Ignoring the problem is not the answer. If they have an alcohol or drug problem, mental health issue or an addiction, it is likely to only get progressively worse until the point that they seek professional help. In a case where they cannot or will not see the extent to which they are damaging themselves, a corporate intervention can prove to be very beneficial. 

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